Easy Bill Pay

Simplify Your Life

Easy Bill Pay lets you pay all your bills online with just a few clicks. This means more control, certainty, and time. You can pay anyone, from your dentist to your utility company, and even schedule payments in advance.

Easy Bill Pay is secure and guaranteed through a partnership with Check Free, a large provider of online bill pay services. Plus, The Marblehead Bank offers an ID Theft Protection program for account holders.

This is a value-added service for Admirals Club and Safe Harbor Checking account customers.

How to sign up

  1. To sign up for Easy Bill Pay, you must first have a Marblehead Bank Checking Account or stop in the bank to open a checking account.
  2. You must also have internet banking with the bank or stop in the bank to sign up. This process is very easy and there is no charge for internet banking.
  3. Once you have your checking account and have signed up for internet banking, you simply have to access our internet banking site through our web site, enter your security information, click on the checking account or accounts that you want to use for bill pay.
  4. At the checking account page you will be directed to click on bill pay. You will then need to carefully read all disclosures, enter the information requested and then start your bill paying adventure.


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